Tag Archives: Ryan Rynolds

Deadpool and Suicide Squad Leaked Comic Con Trailers(inside)

Deadpool and Joker are beloved by comic fans, so it’s no surprise when a crowd full of them broke into a mob like roar when the trailers finished. Remember these are leaked so it won’t be up for long and the quality might be like looking through the eyes of an old man.

The “Deadpool” panel definitely received a lot of attention with sentences like “most of you have seen horses **** before you’ve kissed your first girl”, it’s clear why the movie has an R rating.

The trailer featured Deadpool doing what he does best, cracking jokes and kicking ass. Cameos and meta references fill the run time, with the music score fittingly being DMX’s “x gon give it to ya” because why not?

Negasonic Teenage Warhead, nuff said.

“Suicide Squad” trailer didnt give too much away besides the basics of the plot, but it did show a chase scene between Batman and Joker, while ending on a sadistic side with the first reveal of Jard Leto’s chilling take on the character.

Director David Ayer is confident in the film he’s making with all the shots thrown at Marvel. Luckily, the footage was there to back up all that shade being thrown.

Help another fan out by clicking the gofundme page over here and feel better than Joker does messing with bats http://www.gofundme.com/wzws38
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Deadpool Movie Gets A Release Date

He looks so innocent before all the slicing

He looks so innocent before all the slicing

That’s right, The Merc With The Mouth finally has the green light for his solo feature film debut. Valentine’s week just got a lot more red and little messier, with Deadpool scheduled to be released February,12th, 2016.

Deadpool has a very dedicated and vocal(to put it nicely) fan base and ever since his appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, fans have been waiting to hear this news for almost five years now.

20th Century Fox releasing the film with Tim Miller set to direct and the movie is being penned by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

Superhero movies have become the big trend in Hollywood and now that unknown properties such as Guardians of The Galaxy are making a lot of money, other studios are seeking a piece of the pie now.

Deadpool is a wise cracking mercenary who often crosses paths with Marvel’s most famous superheros such as Spider-Man,Wolverine,etc. He often breaks the 4th wall and talks directly to the readers, knowing he is in a comic book.

In the last decade or so, he has gained traction with a ever growing fan base and become one of Marvel’s top heroes(or anti-heroes).

The question most fans have are their mind is if Deadpool is going be Rated-R or PG-13, this will be a factor in if it will stay true to it’s comic counterpart. The filmmakers are pushing for an R, although it is unknown if the studio will allow it as Rated-R movies are “riskier” financially.

If the film does go with an R rating, this might be smarter in terms of theirs not much competition of the superhero genre for R films. It will standout and let the character show why so many want a movie centered around him.

Ryan Rynolds has been leading the charge on getting this movie made for years now and seems to be the one also in lead role after some leaked test footage.

Deapool’s not completely a good or bad person, depending on who is writing him. One thing for sure is this movie will definitely be on the must watch list for 2016.

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