Tag Archives: Men

Cuffing Season : Hook Up In The Fall, Break Up In The Spring

photo credit: dealdey.com

Time to put on that Drake album and light the scented candles, cuffing season has arrive. Time to find a mate before it’s too later and whatever other words that rhyme.

Cuffing season is when late fall and winter comes and people find a mate to huddle up with. Spring or Summer baby are most conceived during cuffing season. Yeah, there’s an image to have of mom and dad all winter long.

For the guys, this not caveman times so you can’t just club a lady over the head and drag her her to your cave. A little more finesse is required…and the other thing is illegal.

Some want to find a person to spend those long winter nights with, someone to be a human blanket. Others want something a little different.

”The real part of cuffing season is just for you to have somebody to have sex with”, said Shanneil Blackwood. She continued, ”They’re not looking for a long term thing… that’s why so many people break up afterwards”.

Keep your cave clean and welcoming. Nobody wants to walk in to a dark looking dungeon reminiscent of a torture room (unless they’re into that) or the place looking like the streets of Florida after a hurricane.

Whoever you’re going to cuff this semester will be spending a lot more time at your place. Just because you live off week old pizzas, doesn’t mean they have too as well. Stock your place with some things that eat, if you’re spending more time together.

On what a guy’s place should be like, Haley Ferguson said, “The bathroom needs to be clean, the kitchen needs to be clean” Ferguson added “I’ll feel comfortable if I stuff for me there…something that is kinda like mine, like ‘oh here’s your tooth brush or this your loofa’ “.

Just because the water may be colder due to the winter, doesn’t mean the showers, grooming, etc have to stop. Nobody will come in five feet of you if appearance is not kept up, unless the homeless thing is in style.

Great places to meet potential partners are at coffee shops, holiday parties or the usual club. Women have a greater option in terms of getting a guy for the reason of all they really have to say is “hey”. Even though the odds are stacked against the fellas, doesn’t mean the cant arrange them in their favor.

Don’t come with pickup lines their played out and rarely are charming or cute. Just have a honest conversation, the outcome will turn out much better that spitting a thousand one liners.” I think pickup lines is cheesy and seldom I’ve ever seen them work”,said Aaron Payne.

photo credit: vindicarlo.com

If “I’m seeing someone” is said don’t instantly tune out and look to the next closet warm body. They may be seeing someone, but they could potentially introduce you to a friend who isn’t.

Flirting is a skill that if never used could be lost. Cut your teeth by starting conversations with as many people as possible. Not being able keep another person engaged in conversation is a big minus for many.

Flirting is basically the trial version of dating, if the person can stand you for a few minutes, why would they upgrade and how are they supposed to with stand you for weeks, months or even years.

Apps to help further your efforts to the next level are OkCupid and Tinder. OkCupid for those who want to start possible long term relationships. Tinder for those who are the type to be in a different bed every week. Whether it is a physical or emotional relationship, cuffing season is here to serve both needs.

Out of all the people interviewed, the majority had one thing in common, they want their partners to be themselves and have fun. Remember, you can never say the wrong thing to the right person.

Confidence is a must as whoever you’re going after can’t be sure if they want to be with you if you’re not sure either.

Being scared to ask a friend out is foolish. Both of you are adults (hopefully); with the worst thing that can happen being is the say no. Life does not end so move on.

Be aware there is no going back though, if they say yes nothing will be the same again. If it goes wrong, it will affect others, possibly dividing your group of friends.

Have passion in everything you do, especially romance and may the odds be ever in your favor this cuffing season.

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Why We Love

scott pilgrim couple

Contrary to what the romantic movies say, most guys don’t run to train station at the last minute to shout how they‘re in love with the girl. In reality, the guy is sitting in a chair, sulking and trying to convince himself that its better he let her go.

How are we supposed to know what’s meant to be and what’s not? We don’t, but if one thing is true is that most the time people regret what they could have done.

Whether it be telling that special guy or gal those magic words you never said to hear or embracing them in the moment they needed it the most.

Love is tangled mess of emotions, one minute it can make for the happiest moment in someone’s life, the next it can be the most rage filled scream fest with no end in sight.

There are many types of girls out there. The ones who seem to need a man to validate themselves, the ones who say they don’t need anybody and the ones who are closed off.

Guys come in many different forms too. The players who will use and move on to the next girl, the needy guys who tries too hard to satisfy their woman’s every want and the bad boy who’s appeal to a female is that they can change them.

Relationships can be scary and some might say overwhelming, but the beauty of the whole thing is the harder you have fight for one, the more you know that person is worth it.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been hurt or how many people you’ve been with. All that matters is the here and now and how you both feel about each other.

Don’t be scared to give a relationship a chance, even if it worries you about how it’ll affect everything if it doesn’t work out. This road of self-doubt will lead to living in a house with huge number of cats no one should have.

The most important thing is not to stress out over men or women, but to enjoy life and the friends you have in it. Don’t sit in the dark listening to some emo band, your life isn’t that bad. Save the brooding for Batman and go have fun.

Movies like to put this idea of love in our head, the truth is we make our own definition of it; following your heart is the best thing anyone could do, whether it be good or bad.